INTERACT | Station Catalogue 2015


The Station Managers’ Forum has produced a catalogue of field stations in the network (see catalogue). This includes partner stations and observer stations (stations that have joined after the project was granted). Since the catalogue was produced more stations have joined.

If you represent an institution/organisation with a terrestrial component/program/project in the Arctic and would like to be associated with INTERACT please contact INTERACT Coordinator Margareta Johansson.

If you wish to get in contact with Station Managers’ Forum leader, please contact Elmer Topp-Jørgensen.


Kirsten Elger

Thomas Opel

Elmer Topp-Jørgensen

Jannik Hansen

Zhanna Tairova

Morten Rasch

Free Download

The Station Managers’ Forum has produced a catalogue of field stations in the network (see catalogue). This includes partner stations and observer stations (stations that have joined after the project was granted). Since the catalogue was produced more stations have joined.

If you represent an institution/organisation with a terrestrial component/program/project in the Arctic and would like to be associated with INTERACT please contact INTERACT Coordinator Margareta Johansson.

If you wish to get in contact with Station Managers’ Forum leader, please contact Elmer Topp-Jørgensen.


Kirsten Elger

Thomas Opel

Elmer Topp-Jørgensen

Jannik Hansen

Zhanna Tairova

Morten Rasch

The Station Managers’ Forum has produced a catalogue of field stations in the network (see catalogue). This includes partner stations and observer stations (stations that have joined after the project was granted). Since the catalogue was produced more stations have joined.

If you represent an institution/organisation with a terrestrial component/program/project in the Arctic and would like to be associated with INTERACT please contact INTERACT Coordinator Margareta Johansson.

If you wish to get in contact with Station Managers’ Forum leader, please contact Elmer Topp-Jørgensen.


Kirsten Elger

Thomas Opel

Elmer Topp-Jørgensen

Jannik Hansen

Zhanna Tairova

Morten Rasch

INTERACT | Reducing CO2 Emissions in Arctic Science
INTERACT | Station Catalogue 2020
INTERACT | Practical Field Guide
INTERACT | Reducing the Environmental Impact of Arctic Fieldwork
INTERACT Management Planning for arctic and nordic alpine research stations e-book