Welcome to Sermilik Research Station

We are very happy to announce that Sermilik Research Station in Greenland is now a member station of INTERACT Non-Profit Association.

The Sermilik Research Station is jointly operated by the University of Graz and the Department of Geography and Geology, Geocenter Denmark, of the University of Copenhagen.

The station supports a comprehensive year-round monitoring programme covering basic climatology and local climate gradients in the Mittivakkat Glacier drainage basin, glacier mass balance, run-off and sediment transport, and the development of coastal and delta geomorphology. Data are available on request from the three climate stations and a hydrometric station. Glacier mass-balance measurements and glacier surveys has been carried out since the mid 1980s and delta surveys since 1989. Maps, digital 3D terrain models, satellite data, and aerial photographs, in addition to a complete bibliography of publications arising from research at the Sermilik Research Station are available on request. You can see more information on the station on the dedicated webpage INTERACT GIS, following the link below.

You can see the fill list of Station Members here.


INTERACT at AQUARIUS 2025 General Assembly


“The Changing Global Arctic” broadcasted on Rai Scuola on 22nd-25th December 2024